原标题:CES 2018:最新科技面面观
The world's largest electronics trade show, the Consumer Electronics Show or CES, is gathering tech companies in Las Vegas this week to show off their newest products. From Jan. 9-12, 180,000 people are expected to visit the convention to experience the self-driving cars, 8K televisions, and robots, among other things, that are on display.
CES will feature nearly 4,000 exhibitors ranging from billionaire tech giants to beginner entrepreneurs. Attendees hail from 150 countries.
Highlights so far include Chinese startup Byton's new electric concept car, LG's smart washer and dryer, a 3D face-scanning camera by Bellus3D, and a keynote address by NVDIA's CEO Jensen Huang.
Check out the photos above to see the newest tech gadgets and products on display at the convention.
2018年1月9日,与会人员在三星公司展厅拍摄The Wall的照片,它是全球首款采用MicroLED技术的146英寸消费级模块化电视。Steve Marcus—Reuters
拉斯维加斯会展中心举行的2018 CES展会上查看LG的Nano Cell技术显示器。David Becker—Getty Images
众人在三星展厅体验三星Gear VR虚拟现实眼镜。John Locher/AP/REX/Shutterstock CES展丰田i系列概念车。Jae C. Hong—AP/REX/Shutterstock CES展Cloi机器人控制的割草机。John Locher—AP/REX/Shutterstock 与会人员穿过OLED电视搭建的隧道,进入LG Electronics展厅。Steve Marcus—Reuters 2018年1月8日,脱衣舞机器人在位于2018 CES展外围的拉斯维加斯Sapphire Gentlemen夜总会表演。Mandel Ngan—AFP/Getty Images 家庭助手机器人在Pepcom数字体验活动期间为亚历山大•黄握持麦克风,后者是Aeolus Robotics创始人兼首席执行官。Steve Marcus—Reuters 瑞士MyKronoz 打造的ZeTime智能腕表是全球首款混合智能腕表,它将机械指针与彩色触摸屏合二为一。Steve Marcus—Reuters 索尼在展厅演示Acoustic Surface技术,Grains在Bravia品牌OLED电视屏幕表面移动。Patrick T. Fallon—Bloomberg via Getty Images Vuzix增强现实智能眼镜亮相Pepcom的数字体验活动。David McNew—AFP/Getty Images 索尼总裁兼首席执行官平井一夫介绍WF-SP700N防泼溅降噪耳机。Patrick T. Fallon—Bloomberg via Getty Images